Monday, August 22, 2005

A glorious day...

I woke up to a beautiful day, with blue sky and cirrus cloud...The presence of cirrus cloud means that there would be no rain today.... It is the first day that I saw the sky so beautiful, clean without those haze that had cover and hover over our beautiful skyline for weeks already...The haze had gone and I hope that it would stay away from our parts of the country...It is bad living in those haze, actually many people including me got sick..And I recovered with the welcome of the sunshine, so gorgeous this Monday morning...I went to Ampang Point to do an errant and there I felt the air smell of freshness for the first time in so many days...It really make me happy to walk in the morning sun...Enjoying the fresh air, which I had miss for some weeks already...It is like that we us, when thing got that bad like the haze that blanketed the Klang valley last few weeks, blocking the sun and pollute the air we breath, that we realized how important is the appearance of the sun and the scene of a clear blue sky with patch of clouds to us. Today is the day of joy...To enjoy living in a clean and beautiful environment...At the Ampang Point BSN branch I queue up to pay my bills. There were many people and the queue is long..It is like this on Monday after a long weekend, since Malaysian start to work only for five days in a week..It started this July 2005, giving the work forces plenty of time to be with their loves one and or holiday outside the cities on weekend...It is supposed to increase productivity...I hope it is so...Anyway I think it is a good move to just work five days in a week, it is a change from the norms of the colonial working days...Everyone waited patiently on the queue and I just while the time by day dream...Before I proceed on, I turn around and there smiling behind me is an old friend that I had lost contact...She was the director of our Art gallery and has since retired...What a day meeting her again...I said hello and we shake hand and immediately exchange cell phone number and I also got her email address...She was as please as me to have made contact after a lapse of some times...She is much younger than me and as charming as ever...And had been in the Art gallery all her life, rising up to the top most post, as the Director, the first lady to ever held that post..She stayed there guiding the development of this national gallery from a modest building to a new imposing building of its own in Kuala Lumpur. A beautifully architect building that is now part of the landscape of Jalan Tun Razak... She is a painter of her own right and now after retirement, with all the time in the world to herself, she said that she had started to paint again...Good for her, for in our golden age, where time is on our side and at our command, it is now that we could leisurely do what we had wanted to do before, without pressure and stress..Instead enjoy doing it and out of it come satisfaction, that no amount of money could buy...Since both of us have plenty of time to waste on this beautiful Monday morning, we decided to go for a coffee at a nearby cafeteria...We sat there exchanging notes, on what ever thoughts that came to our mind...Passing the hours away, careless of the world...It was indeed a great meeting of old friends...Her cell phone beep and she got a call from a friend and I guess that they wanted to meet and as it almost lunch time we decided to call it a day and decided to part and hope that we would bump again on each other for another round of coffee...Well that had been my day, a glorious Monday indeed...


  1. and it is my anniversary today, pak idrus :)

  2. Shidah, happy anniversary, we have walk the path that you are walking today and always had a great time, I believe that like us you are also having a great time..take care.
