Sunday, July 03, 2005

Time passes...

It is already the third of July, the year two zero zero five....We are already on the second half of this year...To me personally since I retired from working I find that time passes very fast indeed...Einstein is right when he say that time is relative...The theory of relativity...The other day at the PPS bash an elder blogger ask the group we were in to explain what does Einstein meant when he say Time is Relative....I offer an explanation and for a second was lost as to how to describe it and then I remember sometime ago someone make a simple explanation as to how this theory works....So I did just repeat the story and told the group about the story of the twin sister, that are at a different spot on the globe on their birth day, let say one of the twin is in Kuala Lumpur and the other is in New York...They are actually twelve hours difference from each other....That is the time difference between New York and Kuala Lumpur..So on their birthday which is the same day and time in Kuala Lumpur would surely be different at this point in time....In this case one of the twin who is in Kuala Lumpur would be celebrating her birthday twelve hours earlier then the other twin who is at the point in time is in New York, who could only celebrate her birthday twelve hours latter then her twin who is in Kuala Lumpur...The twin in New York could phone back and say 'Happy Birthday' sis but the one in Kuala Lumpur could not say the same wish to the one living in New York, who still have to wait another twelve hours to celebrate her birthday....So in this case the time is relative to the place, Kuala Lumpur and New York.... I am not sure whether my answer did the job or have complicate the matter...Anyway a young blogger did a follow up and start to explain that his explanation might be just as difficult to understand...According to Him, time is a concept in our mind, an imaginary one, thus it has a different meaning and understanding, say in Space...Well after explaining at length...He smile and say that He hope He has not confused the matter....Well, I understood it and perhaps the others too, anyway I agree with Einstein for when I retired, I found that time passes by just like that...The reason being that I did not relate the time to anything, say at what time of the day I do have to go somewhere...I just ignore time and there you are, it passes fast...Once in a plane flying from New York to Kuala Lumpur...Looking at my watch the time seem not to move at all...But had I slept all the way, the time would means nothing to me...Just the other day our daughter return to Kuala Lumpur from Boston...The flight was via London..The London-Kuala Lumpur sector is a twelve hours flight...She say that She slept about ten hours in the plane and upon waking up, Kuala Lumpur is just two hours away..So how do we explain that. I guess when man travel in space in the near future...To avoid getting bored they have to sleep or hibernate most of the way...Well I hope some one out there could give a better and clear explanation of this theory....Folks..Excuse us for we in the golden age could be as confused... What with the aging process going on now....Take care.


  1. Thanks Pak Idrus for this posting.It reminds and refreshes my fading memory of what you explain that night.

    Just thinking about time and what it means to me- time is personal;time is life...

  2. Anonymous11:26 am

    Actually, I think time is passing a lot faster for all of us, because there are so many more pastimes than ever before. Just imagine - if you have Astro at home, and you channel surf a little before you find a show you like, that would easily eat up 1 hour of your life with you hardly even noticing. Then you turn on the PC and durf the net and there goes another hour or two.
    Drive down to the Mall and you are already committing at least one hour just to drive there and park the car, and later to pay up and drive home, without even adding in the things you actually do when you get there. Feel bored at home, and you can walk out/drive out to sit in a Mamak or Warung, and chat with friends for the next three hours. 24 hours have never felt shorter.

    Wei Yi

  3. Pak Adib, Wei, thanks for the visit and the knowledgeable comments...Time belong to all of us, use it to the fullest and enjoy my age I could afford to just ignore time...and it passes fast indeed...have a nice day.
