Sunday, June 05, 2005


One of the greatest thing about blogging is that you get to know more people in cyberspace then your realized...As a person that love meeting people and exchanging ideas...I an indeed happy that in the course of my blogging I have met many people who share the same interest or need information...So now I have cyberfriends all around the globes and a few of these good people have eventually land on Malaysian soil and we met in person...What a world we live in now...For we soon have to find a new meaning of the word reality...Remember Matrix...What is reality ?...Well I am beginning to realized that this word now have new meaning to me...Communication on the internet and blogging add new dimensions to this 'old' meaning of the word reality, so what is actually reality...To me it is actually what we see in our mind, the information that our mind process and what we actually see ' so what is real and not real...Look..We could not touch the sky, but it is there and it is real...In cyberspace it is like that, we can seen but could not touch and yet is real...On the other side of the blogging world, recently I receive an email from a young lady in the UK, requesting information, for She is now looking for her root that happen to be in this country...I told her that I shall do my best to help her in her personal quest,'searching for her root'...Most of us as we matured and gain wisdom would want to know more about ourselves, so the search for the truth start from there and would continue for the rest of one's life...Personally I am still searching and along the way in the journey of life found what I had been looking for and like any thing in life, the truth would prevail and we all should take its in stride for life is like that..Of course there are people that do not want to search their root for they are either do not want to know or are not prepared to get to the truth...Well in real life many things happen on the way and as such whatever it is, it is part of one's life...Have a nice day...


  1. Anonymous9:29 pm

    Pak Idrus, I am with you 100% on the reality of the internet. Hope to meet you and your family one day on Malaysian soil, inshaallah!

  2. Anonymous sir, thanks, thats it, our friendship has indeed started..take care..have a nice day.

  3. Pak, i am a young chiku just really starting on my life's journey. believe me, your posts do give me a sense of direction. keep on blogging, and i luuurrvvvee that serambi! muahahahar!

  4. Belacan, thanks, We are all just passing through on this blue planet, so move forward and enjoy life...and makes it as colorful as possible..glad that you love the drop in anytime...take care.

  5. Anonymous5:37 pm

    Pak Idrus... yeah! agree with you as long as ppl tak ngorat or has hidden agenda on us.

  6. pak idrus: is nice knowing you...

  7. Thanks, Shidah...have a nice day.
