Monday, May 23, 2005

The Durian...

Yes! The Durian is back, the King of Fruits is back, I am told by farmers friends that this time it is coming back with a vengeance...There would surely be a glut for everywhere the orchards are full of fruits..A friend who live part of his life in Raub, a Chinaman we call Tongsan call me for some others things and in that instance I related him to his durian orchard in Raub..for we just had durian...And yesterday our son in law brought more of it...He had makes a friend of the durian seller nearby, another Chinaman, who sell only the best...I guess He knows whom to sell..These Chinaman are really good businessman...I do not believe there are better businessman/woman better then these fellows...They are really good in doing their business, no matter where they would survived...Whereas the others would tell you all the excuses in the world of why they fail in their business..The Chinaman do not..One thing about these Chinaman, if you ask them how is business, He or She would reply with a smile that cukup makanlah tuan 'just enough to survived ' and would not boast but as for the others when asked would tell you all, even how much he/she makes on a day taking...Sometime watching interview with these farmers on the local TV.., they would describe everything of how they grow things and how much they make and are very proud of saying so, without realizing that in business you do not tell everything, especially the income you make..But then that is the culture of certain people..How I wished they learn from the humble and the smart Chinaman in doing business. They would surely learn a thing or two on how to be successful in doing business... Just tell others what they need to know only and do not boast..The rest should best kept to yourselves...That my friend is business...Coming back to the durian, the one we got the last few days were really good...Have a look and enjoy..... Delicious.... Posted by Hello


  1. Anonymous9:36 am

    wooooooooooooo !!!! the durian sure looks good.....makes me crave for it!
    over here the durian are soft and watery and not solid....
    can send some over? ha ha ha !!!!

    have a nice day !

  2. Marge, thanks, have a nice day.

  3. I love durians... normally i beli yang dah siap kopek, or kopek on the spot- so nampak la isinya elok ke tidak. unless kalau borong beli banyak2 harga murah....

  4. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Pak Idrus... durian season will hit Hulu Langat soon. Now the fruits are as big as 'kepala budak'.... so expected to ripe a couple more months. Previous seasons had been quite disappointing for the traders. Kena tanam getah balik like old days kot :)

  5. babaummi thanks, do keep in touch.
