Sunday, April 03, 2005

Why do I blog ? Well to answer that simply is that my mind is always active and thought always flows when I write and as usual I love to share my thought with other, so what a better way then using the internet and that mean blogging...So not to get into trouble with the authority...I blog with caution..Only thoughts that I thought would not stir the hornet nest I would published....Some that I have written just for the sake of getting my thoughts in writhing, I do not publish to avoid the wrath of the authority...Which are at time too sensitive toward certain issue that confront the Malaysian society.... Some bloggers have been arrest [ so far not in Malaysia] some have been questions but then that is the ways it is now with the freedom of speech in some countries...So blogging in a way allows you to enjoy the freedom of speech to the limit that allows you, to share the thoughts with others and at the same time enjoy putting your thoughts in writing...In a way it is a means of communicating with the masses in cyberspace... A new media that has began to become somewhat a reality to bloggers... In blogging we come into contact with people all over the worlds, who share the same view and in doing so it helps to narrow the gap, making the world smaller then before....Reading others blogs help to increases your knowledge and at the same time makes your life richer and more beautiful...

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