Saturday, April 09, 2005

They say that never change horse in mid stream, well I have no real answer about that, so people do change horse in mid stream and get to the other side safely, but we can never tell, the truth would only be known later after you try to change horse...When I was training youth I always tell them to ' cross the bridge first ' and then think of what to do next...For I believe if you do not try you would never know...But before doing just that, if you must act smart, for only the smart would survived....Like you must know the Known factors first and for this you have to study the situation and collect data, evaluate it and then make the decision and once you have done that you have to go for it, for it is your decision to change horse...Why must you change horse...You have to answer that yourself, for you surely have a strong reason for wanting to change horse, whatever you do, remember you are in the mid of a stream...If you fall and could not get to the other horse, then you would at least have tried and this is still not the end of the story....For a fall mean that you would have the opportunity to get up, for only a person that has fallen knows the real meaning of getting up...In a training session that I conduct for youth leaders, I always remind trainee that Jatuh itu adalah untuk English is 'takes the fall as an experience to raised up' for if you do not fall, how then could you know the value of raising up....So whatever you want to do in mid stream, do it careful, after careful analyzing all the facts.... Well... use you brain rather then your heart... for a smart decision would let you to a new pasture... for the better, but then non of us could fortell the future.... Good luck.... nothing venture nothing gain....

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