Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Thank you Atuk [grandpa], my petite granddaughter say to me this morning after sending her home.. After picking her from the kindergarten this morning, It struck me hard and deep and it jolts me to happiness that I had never felt before...My own, our little Adibah, that is just five years old, attending an English language kindergarten in Ampang Jaya, cheerful and all smile saying that words to her grandpa, really makes my days and it is small things like this that make life so beautiful, especially for me in my golden age....Maybe she was just practicing her English but saying that "Thank You" in simple English to Me at the right place and moment, was just too great...To happen, in a world where government had to spend millions to put up advertisement on the Mass Media to teach the populations Moral and Etiquette...This little kindergarten in Ampang Jaya call the "little Cottage" taught little Adibah the language of love, making her to understand and use it at the right moment...Those people at the kindergarten should be commended for their effort...And of course their parents that makes it happen, for the love they have gave to this little girls, making her so well behave and cheerful all days ....My little Adibah....

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