Monday, April 11, 2005

Streamyx or the broadband services provided by Telekom Malaysia was down for a few days...It was just down and not out...There was an apology statement from Telekom Malaysia TMnet and yet there were hue and cry from some internet users, who were very sarcastic in blaming the service provider for the breakdown of service...I just do not understand that some people whom I except to be intelligent, should be so angry with Telekom Malaysia for those fault in the service of the broadband...We all must understand that technology has its problems and it is not prefect and we all should take its in stride and not to come to any conclusion as to why the service was down...We should at least appreciate what the service provider were trying to explain and taking action to restore the service to its full strength....As for me I am glad that we are provided with such service and I take the up and down of the service as part of the system, for nothing is perfect in this world, moreover the internet technology is still evolving...So the next time try to be more patience and appreciate what others are trying to do for our own benefit....

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