Sunday, March 20, 2005

Well I am back from Malacca after a great visit to this historical city, a couple Al-Hap invited us to stay with them, it has been an open invitation from this charming couple, a close friend of us, they are both in their golden age like us and unlike us He is still not really retired, still running his own business..I guess trying to make more money and enjoying every minutes of doing just that...His other half is a charming lady that love to cook...So after postponing the trip from last year, we decided to do the trip this month and to make the trip and our stay in Malacca merrier, we invited a relative couple to join us on this holiday...A sorts of a package tour 'three days and two night' in the historical Malacca...So on the morning of the seventeen, together with my spouse I drove the new Honda Accord to the relative house,pick them and then drove to Malacca taking the North South Highway to the south...It was a lovely day, with the sun shining, with the back drop of the blue sky and patch of clouds....The new car was just a dream car, it just flow on the highway and in no time we arrived at the first R & R, just before Seremban...Stop there a breakfast of a sorts for a while and taking it easy while we chat our way through the breakfasts, that are made of the usual roti canai and teh Tarik...My dear friend Lias, look famished and He had a large portion of rice with the usual mixed of vegetable and other Malaysian dishes...We enjoy the breakfast and after feeling good we left the R & R and drove on toward Malacca, chatting on various subjects all the way careless of the time...We stop once again, this time at the Air Keroh R & R to have something heavy and coffee before proceeding on to the city of Malacca...We arrived just at noon and drove through the historical city and then headed toward the villa of my friend at Tanjung Keling...He was not around at that time, I did not tell him earlier of our arrival time, so that we would be able to travel at ease and I told him to take it easy of our arrival...So I call him on my cell phone and told him that we would just visit our condo at Pantai Putri and then would proceed to his home in an hour time....Well after spending a while at meeting the new management of our condo, we proceed to the villa and sure enough my fiend AL and Hap was there waiting and happily welcoming us to stay with them at their home..just about five hundred meter away from the sea front of the straits of Malacca....[to be continue]

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