Saturday, February 19, 2005

A very good morning to all that visit my site..It is another Saturday, a beautiful morning, with clear blue sky..Oh! What a gorgeous day, another God given day to live and enjoy life...I believe those friend wherever they are, having a beer in a London Pub or checking a marine establishment at some distance seaport or just beside the blue sea somewhere, or that lady in St Petersburg, Russia that enjoying the snow in her historical Russian city, or the Lady that still live in the California desert or the so many of others that visit my site from time to time, like of recent, a young Malaysia who were enlighten with my article on Islam and want to get more answer to this ancient religion that is so misunderstood now, especially after the happening of Sept.Eleven... Well with all the happening and discussion everywhere on blogs, blogging are getting more interesting....The latest statistics shows that there are not less the six million bloggers now and the number are increasing everyday, in fact every hours of the days...So it look like blogging is here to stay, making a mark in the mean of dissemination of information and a challenge to the other news media...As for me I would continue to contribute my thoughts to make life more productive and useful to all..Every days and hours we are being bombarded with negative news on our TV and other mass media, give us a rather bleak picture of our world..Why can't the media start to give more news of the positive aspect of life, in the new Iraq, surely there are positive development that need to be given prominent time on the world TV, for that matter I think the news media should rethink the meaning of news..Less of the killing, murder, assassination, bomb or other tragedy of the human species, instead they should give more coverage of the positive happening in these places...Iraq, Afghanistan and the other countries that have became headline on our mass media...Surely there are positive development in these countries, they had suffered enough and I believe there are news worthy events that should be highlighted in the media...Come on surely things are not that bad as being portrayed by some media from time to time....So what is news, is it like we use to say " if a dog bite a man it is not news but if a man bite a dog", it became news...Are we still following this line of thinking now, in this millennium, the twenty first century....Man.. We are in a new world now, where news travel with the speed of light...And we are in a sorts of a global culture now.. I think we should rethink of what we call news, is bomb, death and other misery the only news, are not those human achievement, success and the like news worthy...I think it is, we should try to present more and more positive development as news so that we may divert all the news of evil and bad things to the background...I do not believe showing terrorist with their victims a good news,it may be news but to me it surely not a good news... To me in the first instant no one should ever entertain any 'news' from the evil doer..By doing so it deprived the evil doer of showing off their evil doing...Of course we just could not get rid of the evil doer, it is part of the behavior of our species, but we can always reduce it by means at our disposal, like the tools of the mass media...Just a few day ago a great leader from Lebanon was assassinated and we saw the news on the TV and I believe it would do more justice to this great leader of our time, if the media could continue to show his achievement as well, as a follow up of the tragedy..I believe it would do more good for all the good people of the world and especially the great people of Lebanon.....Let us take a pause and think hard of this subject matter, of what we call "news"... I would just leave this just like that for all to ponder...

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