Wednesday, February 23, 2005

It is one of those day that one is nostalgic of some great time that one have had as one journey on one's live...And at this period time I am thinking of Boston,.where I once live, a great city indeed...I had always dream of living in the States and like most of my dreams it came true.... When our eldest daughter invited us to follow them and live for a year in Boston, while they do some research works at the famous Harvard University....We accepted the invitation and stayed there for a year, a wonderful year of our life...I have visited the USA many time before and have live for a short period at Ithaca, NY, when our youngest daughter was doing her first degree at Cornell U...And later did stay a while at New Haven when she did her Master at Yale, It is while living at New Haven that I frequent the Big Apple with students, taking the hourly commuter from New Haven to New York or by car, which take just one and half our....Visiting New York was always exciting to me, who had read so much about this melting pots of culture and the rich life style of New Yorker...So when the twin towers was attack on the now historical date of September eleven, I was shock and sad indeed of the happening for I was there just a month before it happen...It is history now and the event change the history of the world...It no more the same... Coming back to the story of our living in America...It was when our oldest daughter decided to live in Boston that give us the opportunity to live for a year in this beautiful New England's states..America have always been a dream of people in this part of the world.. The TV and the other news exposes the life style in the states and I had always wanted to experience living there, not just visiting, that I had done a few time before as a tourist...It was indeed a dream came through, living in America..This time we, my spouse and me, together with our daughter, her husband and their children, had the opportunity to live in the States... So in a way our whole family were living in Boston for a year...We just live like the American..., makes me wish that all countries, politic aside are like America, so free and the people are friendly ...We actually integrated easily with the society and we never once felt unwelcome.... How we wish every countries have the same freedom of speech as did the American, where one are able to discuss openly any subject without getting into trouble...We discuss various subjects among friends on the University campus and no one would question us as to the right or wrong of our thoughts....Because we could discuss freely on subjects that are in a way sensitive or taboo in our country, we had managed to ease our mental faculty, thus making us felt more human with brain rather then robot that had to just accept the teaching just like ...Well at least in America we are not branded this or that for speaking our thoughts.... I hope that thing would eventually change for good in our own country, so that people could be more open in their thinking...Regulating the life of its citizen with all sorts of Law would retard the process of thinking, thus would not be good for the society as well as the country itself..For democracy to work well and continue to improve the quality of life of all, radical thinking on all subjects should be encourage, except of course those sensitive issue that are embedded in the constitution...It is only with radical thinking and thinking outside the box that could lead to inventions and other success in any human endeavors...I am in my golden age and have seen the country progress from the day of independence in ninety fifty seven and I believe that the country could go further and faster if we are free to discuss all issue that effect all society...It is my hope that things would change eventually for the common good of the society and the country in the spirit of " Malaysia Boleh " Malaysia can do it.....

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