Sunday, February 27, 2005

It is forty seven minutes after one in the morning and I am typing this...I just could not sleep...For some reason I just could not sleep..So I wake up and watch the TV and then had a snack and still could not sleep, so I decided to blog and here I am writing this....My other half is sound asleep like she always did and she would wake up before me in the morning and would be at the kitchen doing her favorite ritual...Whatever it is....I would get up later then her, do the bed and then proceed to get the patio clean and the deco rearranged for the day..It has being my daily ritual at the patio, for some items had to be taken into the house when I close the front door at night, so that it is not dirty by cats, who sometime wonder along on the patio...So every morning I would do the cleaning of the patio and reset the deco of the patio, an interesting ritual, to make it presentable...At least to me...For I hate things disorganized, that are not in harmony with the surrounding..It has to schemed, a sort of interior decoration that I Love to see and enjoy or just show off to others to enjoy as well..... As usual this evening I wonder in cyberspace and read a few interesting blogs..Makes some comments and back to the real world..Sometime I wonder which is the real world...Cyberspace is as real as the other space, so what is real...I wonder...Matrix again...What is reality.....It is just becoming difficult to understand the real meaning of reality....Some people just could sleep easily but not me..My mind often wonder, thinking of the happening of the day or just flirting with ideas or something...Always wondering and only after a while that I could really get a good night sleep, at time had dream, which often makes no sense at all..Forgotten after a while after I woke up, making me wonder why we dream at all......Good thing that I had this Laptop computer to do the writing, putting my thoughts in writing, in the past I would just write my thought in a book that is always at my bedside...And because I just write, sometime I personally could not read what I had written, at least with the computer..All the type words are clear and could be corrected and makes some sense... My friend that live in the UK, think that I am crazy to write my thoughts and post it for the world to read...He say that I am exposing myself...I told him it does not matter, there are nothing to hide as far as the story of my life is concerned....Anyway what I have written are the real episode of the happening, while I am on my journey as I proceed on with my life...Like now in the early morning of the twenty seven of February two zero zero five...In a day's time we would be in March... I thought we just enter the new year of zero zero five and now it going to be March...See how time passes adding another year to our life...As I write this I am wondering as to what my friend Ken is doing in the UK now, perhaps in a pub somewhere having his usual drink of Malt...How I wish I am there now, enjoying a few drinks with him and yarn along with stories of pass era...And drinking would add to the color and excitement of telling story in the pub....Well life is like that and I believe we should enjoy as we go along....Ken must be smiling when He read this...Another Beer? For the road....Friends..Have a nice day...Take care....

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