Friday, February 25, 2005

From time to time my friend Mohd and Me would go for a tea break chat at one of the Mamak restaurant...We call it...Go for a Teh Tarik... For today we met just after ten in the morning, it was a hot and humid day...I took the Volvo classic today and drove early so that I may park the car with ease at the parking lot at Ampang Point, this place, a sort of a shopping mall for those that live in Ampang Jaya is always crowded with people that go about to do their daily business....The classic Volvo is an old car with an old technology, so it does not have powered steering, the luxury in today's driving that we take for granted now...And without the power steering it is just difficult to park at the normal parking space provided for modern cars....Well this morning normally before ten in the morning, it would be just easy to find parking lots and in no time I got one and park the green classic Volvo and then walk to do an errant before my friend Mohd arrive...Just as I was about to get to the BSN bank, where I was to makes some payment...I got a call on my cell phone and it was from my friend Mohd, He enquire as to my where about... I told him I am just at the Corner of the street, at the Habib building. Soon we met and decide where to have our Teh Tarik, and since he wanted to go to the bank first, we decided to just have the Teh Tarik at the restaurant near the Bank....We got to the restaurant a while later and set for our usual....And chat along on various subjects, being interrupted from time to time by friends that came along and saying hello to a couple who went to find a table to have their T.T [Teh Tarik][Malaysian tea with milk] Well as usual we chat along while enjoying our teh tarik and roti canai.... After a while we decided to leave the place and visit the BSN Bank to settle our bills there, it is a one spot payment centre...As usual before leaving the restaurant we approach the counter at the restaurant and wanted to pay the bill of our T.T, but this time was told that it has been paid by a friend of mine, who just left....Well thanks friend for paying the bill, it happen quite often, sometime I do pay bill of friends or strangers that happen to be eating at the other table...I love doing this from time to time.....Friends it is time to give and it makes me happy always and today someone else pay our bill, well life is like that, it goes in a circle of a sorts...Making the giver and the receiver happy....That's is life in this golden age.....There is an old saying that sound like this about giving, "just give with the right hand without the left hand knowing about it".... Well have a nice day...We did today....

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