Saturday, January 15, 2005

Whether we like it or not the happening of September Eleven two zero zero one change the world and I believe every countries on this planet should take stock of the changing political environment. When the American was attacked at Pearl harbor by the Japanese, the world political culture change for the good and I hope that the events that follows that change the American Foreign Policy would change the world for the better...Malaysia a successful country in Asia should develop a pragmatic foreign policy in order to fit in with the new world political culture...One way is to correct the wrong understanding of Islam by the western world.. I believe we should talk less about Islam but instead practice more of the positive value of Islam, like teaching the population to be good person and the Malay Moslem to accept that there are other people in this country and out there that believe in other religions and respect their believe and that most of the countries in the west practice more Islamic value than the so called Moslem countries in the world especially the countries in the Middle East...For that matter non of the Moslem countries in the Middle East are democratic and that human right is questionable... To me personally talking about being a Moslem and Islam alone do make a person or the country good...It is practicing the good value and respecting human right that is more important. I believe that Malaysia should decide whether the county want to remain a secular country of otherwise...To me for a country to prosper, the state and religion should not mix..The experiences of the west where once the church and the state were one, they were never at peace with themselves and only when there were clear separation of the Church and the state that countries in the west began to prosper and people continue to live in harmony and as years goes by the quality of life became better..I believe that we should leave religion to the individual and that the state should not be involved in religion. Anyhow whatever value and norms that religion introduce should be incorporated into the society as a common value and norms.., Being a good person to the society, respect for the law and live in harmony with all the sector of the society should be the prime goal of the individual...By that the society would be a happy society and would in the long run create a productive society and in turn the society would be more prosperous and living a high quality of life....Our world is getting smaller day by day, so let us all work together to makes it a better place to live and enjoy living.....

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