Sunday, January 02, 2005

It is evening on the second of January, and it is just difficult for us not to think of those happening in our neighborhood, Acheh and Phuket....The number of death keep increasing and I believe it would be soon total one hundred thousand in Acheh alone and then what happen to the living that lost everything...Malaysian was the first group of relief workers that arrived there, our team are small but then we had to help in whatever way we could, even a youth club[the four B] from Malacca has send a small team to find what they could contribute toward the rebuilding... On the home front, Langkawi, Penang and the coastal villages of Kedah and Perlis is back as usual after the clean up and some villagers from the coastal town in Kedah are been move to start a new live in a new area inland.... I call a friend in Langkawi to get some information and He say that things are all OK in Langkawi and that all planned programmed would go on as usual, in fact tourists have started to arrive on the island..., I need the information to relay it to a visitor to my Blogsite, who had enquire as to the real situation on the island, for she had planned to visit the island this month...I replied to her saying that things are all ok in Langkawi and hope that she would be able to make a final decision to proceed with her holiday in Langkawi...Langkawi is special to us Malaysian, for it is an island that was specially developed for tourism and it is different from Phuket, so for those tourists that want something different from those of Phuket, Langkawi is the place to be, it is indeed a paradise in sunny Malaysia,... Unlike Phuket it is not crowded and the coastal line is endless and the beach is clean and golden in color...The island is sheltered from the open sea by other smaller islands all around it, thus during this Tsunami disaster, the main island escape the brunt of the waves and except for some properties lost, Langkawi was spared from a major disaster...We went for a holiday to this enchanting island in August last year and as Malaysian we ourselves found this island a fascinating place to be...It is some thing different, there is the legend that is associated with Langkawi and the whole island is accessible by road and if one had the time, one could have a field days wondering around the island, walking along the beaches or just wonder into the tropical jungle nearby or take a ride to the top of the mountains by cable cars..In fact one would surely have a different kind of holiday on this island, one could choose to just sit at the Bar and enjoy their drinks with friends or visit Bon Ton, a special holiday resort with a difference away from the beach where one would be able to sample living in old Malay houses under swaying coconut palms....We visit this place in August and had lunch there, I love this place and enjoy the short visit...I told the Australian lady that own this place, that Her place is a Haven on earth...She smile and hope that I really enjoyed my short visit there.... In the enclave surrounded by traditional Malay houses is a swimming pool with clear blue water, making this place so special that I wish I had own it, to enjoy during my golden years... Friends if you are visiting Langkawi, do take your time to visit this enchanting creation on this tropical paradise..The Bon Ton site is BonTon

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