Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I am just trying to blog everyday but sometime it takes time to just to start writing...I guess all writers have this problem...I wanted to write so many things that I think, but living in a country where the freedom of speech is not that free I would not be able to write everything that I thought especially on religion...I believe given the time or another period in our history, people in this country would be able to write everything they think, like that are happening in the USA and the European countries...I had never follow the main stream or the stereo type of thinking from the time I was a child growing up in a village in Kuantan, a place where I was born...I had always been the odd one and like to do different things from the other children of my age and because of this I often make friends only with a few that were able to 'communicate' with me...I guess that those that are unable to understand me just refused to accept that I am different...So as I grew up I began to start learning more then my other friends, I join the boy scout movement and it is one of the best organization where the young would have the chance to learn and experience news kind of living... The Boy Scout teaches you to be discipline, adventurous and of course it teaches you to be a good leader...I learn many aspect of leadership and later on when I start to work with the government most of this experience became handy when I dealt with youth...Organizing was peanut to be and I love to organize, as such when it come to bigger things, like organizing seminar for the department that I work...I was always entrusted with the leadership in organizing such events....And it always became a successful events, with everyone happy of the outcome... Well life have been good and I am thankful to all that makes life so beautiful...Families, friends and even stranger......I believe God give us life on this earth for us to be useful and to enjoy life.... Ken I think you agree with me on that... Enjoy...

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