Friday, December 31, 2004

Well.... It is the end of the year two zero zero four and tomorrow would be the new year two zero zero five...What can we say..It is surely not going to be a Happy New Year, for we in this part of the world and I believe also from the other parts of the world are not really happy at this juncture of our history...This part of the world has just gone through a really great disaster, the Tsunami of the twenty six of December, zero zero four, an event of such proportion, that had never happen in our living memory, the earthquake that end the year two zero zero four with a really Big Bang!, The Bang that created the Tsunami, thus the disaster that rack havoc to the coastal areas of countries in this region, where to date not less then one hundred and twenty thousand people lost their life and billion of dollars of properties were destroyed....Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from this calamity, and find ways and means of how best we can protect ourselves from future happening...In the mean time let us all work together to restore the situation and go on with our life, we all should learn from the past and use the experiences to further the human progress in the years to come...Our species has come this far and today with the advance of science and technology, surely we would be able to find the means of preventing such occurrence from destroying more lives... We all know that earthquake, whether inland or under the sea would continue to happen, for our world is in the process of it evolution from the days of its formation million of years ago...We should study and collect all the know data and with such knowledge we would be able to plan for the future, thus saving more lives when such Tsunami recur in the future...For now let us pray and hope that the year two zero zero five would bring more prosperity to all humankind all over the globe...

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