Sunday, December 05, 2004

Well we decided to go for a short visit to Kuantan, my hometown on the east coast. With the new highway it makes the journey a pleasure compare to those days when it would take a tedious journey of five hours to get to Kuantan from Kuala Lumpur, now it just take a mere three hours, a journey that cuts through the greens of the Felda schemes where one see rows and rows of Oil Palm and Rubber trees, the primary product of the agricultural sector of Malaysia... I love to drive on this new highway and take a few stop at the R & R for refreshment or just for a short break, before continuing on my journey to Kuantan...I like to enjoy the trip so a stop here and there makes the journey enjoyable. Left Kuala Lumpur just after eight and by noon we were already in the city... Our guest two Italian foster children were with us and were eager to get to the sea, so I decided to just drop them both at the Telok Cempedak beach and then proceed on to look for hotel to spend the night, I went to my usual hotel and found that it is fully booked for the night, so I decided to drive around and look for another hotel in town and after a while found one and check in to rest for a while and then at five in the evening I went to fetch our guest at the beach and took them to the hotel to stay for the night. In the evening we decided to visit a relative and then proceed with them to have dinner...Our relative suggest that we go for a satay dinner at a restaurant nearby, since our guest would love to try something Malaysian..When we arrived at the restaurant, it was pack with people enjoying their satay. We look for a table and order the satay which consist of chicken, beef and venison, that comes with cubes rice and dipping of sauce made of coconut milk, crush peanuts and spices..Malaysian love to go for satay for supper or just to entertain friends for a not so heavy dinner..It is a delicacies that visitors to Malaysia should never missed, they should try it, especially that are served at satay stall. It is something real Malaysian and it is part of our eating culture....Well we end off the night with a good night rest at our hotel in the middle of the town....

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