Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Tsunami, we wake up to another bad news of the numbers of dead so far, the latest figure is at sixty eight thousand dead and the lost of properties are just to big to put a proper figure, probably billion of dollars lost...As reporters began to get closer to the sites, more gruesome picture of the devastation emerged, in some place in Acheh, a whole village were gone and in Sri Lanka, the worst affect areas, the number of death keep rising...It is a nightmare, Asia has never seen such a disaster before and it is going to take sometime before thing get to normal again..Tourist resort like Phuket in Thailand were devastated and it would take lot of works and time to restore it to its former glory, as the spot to spend one's holiday in the sun...As for Langkawi in northeast of Malaysia, the damage compare to Phuket is minimal, but then in the Malaysian term it is great...Penang another holiday resort that are popular to both the foreign and local tourist were also badly hit and as it is now all agency are helping to get the place in order again...A local Newspaper, The New Straits Time has launch a disaster relief fun and to date many Malaysian has start to contributes to this good cause...One thing about Malaysian is that they are very concern and donation are starting to pour in to this Fund....At the local scene in Langkawi, Penang and in Kedah coastal villages, various government agencies and NGOs are carrying out relief works to help those people that lost their love one and to start building their lives all over again... Well national disaster of this proportion never happen in this country before, for that matter it had never happen in Asia before, and leaders in this region had to get going to plan for the future, so that an early warning system could be put into action, if another Tsunami do struck again in the future.... In the meantime we all have to do our parts in trying to get thing in order again so that lives could go on, for the living had to be given help, so as to ensure that they continue to carry on with their live and our species continue to progress on this blue planet of ours....Condolence to all that lost their love one and may their soul find peace in haven... Amen....

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