Sunday, November 07, 2004

Well time passes fast this Ramadan month, it is already Sunday and we are on the last week of fasting...Soon it would be the Aidil Fitri Festival comes this fourteen of November and just before that is the Hindu festival of Light called the Depavalee Festival which would be celebrated by Malaysian Hindu on the eleven of November, it look like we Malaysian are going to have two important festival in just one week...The Hindu would be celebrating their festival on the eleven while the Moslem would be celebrating their festival on the fourteen of November, where else are these two great religious festival celebrated by its citizen with joy and harmony but in the wonderful country of ours, Malaysia and then come December we all would joint in to celebrate the Christian Festival of Christmas...In fact the whole shopping complexes that are being decorated with the Depavalee Festival and the Hari Raya [Aidil Fitri] Festival.. then would be redecorated to usher in the Christmas and the New Year spirit come these December and January two zero zero five....That my friends is the Malaysia that we all love, where people of all races and religions live in harmony and enjoy together...

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