Monday, November 01, 2004

Just received an email from our foster child in Italy, as usual it makes interesting reading, and it lighten my day or is it night, it is now past eleven pm in Kuala Lumpur, I was just surfing the net when this mail arrived...It is indeed a great feeling knowing that these two young couple would be coming over to Kuala Lumpur soon, like them we are as excited to meet them in person, after all the years of virtual contact via the net....Interesting that though we have not as yet met, personally I felt that I had known them all along...Like I always say....We are a spiritual being and somehow our spirit met and we communicate in a way non of us could ever understand but that it is for real...Well friends that is life, On this night of the fasting month, just after breaking fast and the tarawih prayer, I sat down to watch the TV and at the same time write this thoughts as it flows.. Fascinating that with today's technology we could watch, read and write at the same time and enjoy all those things that you like to do, which just a few years ago was not that possible. The internet makes its possible to communicate just with the touch of a button, satellite TV makes its just as easy to see what's happening in the other parts of the world...Music just cross the political boarder of countries just like that.. Without censorship like before...It makes life so very wonderful and colorful as well...With the rate of breakthrough in science and technology what else would come... We all have just to wonder...The three G cell phones system is on the way in this country and soon it would be just as easy to communicate, via video phone, SMS and at the same time would be able to watch your favorite TV programs as well...It is already there and I believe soon every other person in Malaysia would be using this new cell phones. What a way to live and communicate...Nowadays when you leave home to travel overseas you just bring along your cell phones and with international roaming, it would be just easy to communicate with each other, just like you are next door...The other day I call a friend on his cell phone, wanting to invite him for tea and when we get connected, I ask him where he is and his reply was that he is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia...Well since we are in communication, we just laughed and talk...That is what cell phone did to you...Nowadays with the cell phones, when we get connected we ask the other person "where are you", not like when using a fixed line phone, where we knew where the phone is, in a home somewhere..., but for the cell phone you can never tell where the other person is at a given time, if he/she is driving, then we would continue to talk if he/she has a hand free set, if not we would just to call later....It is real fascinating this cell phone revolution, new models are out almost every months and it is getting smarter and look great as well....So what about changing your cell phone for a new model...

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