Sunday, October 17, 2004

This Friday the fifteen, we Moslem start to fast during this Moslem month of Ramadan, as usual we start the month with the Tarawih prayer at the mosque on the evening of the fourteen after the Isyak prayer...Moslem's day start not from the morning but after the sunset, so in this case the first of Ramadan started after the Magrib prayer on the fourteen of October two zero, zero four....To us Moslem fasting from dawn till evening is already second nature to us, for we have been doing this ritual all the time, some from the time of their childhood....In fact fasting during the month of Ramadan is actually, only changing the habit of eating, from eating all day long to abstaining eating during the day and instead eat and drink only at night from the time of the sunset to the time of sunrise.....In a way the changing of eating habits is good for your health, for once in a year you rest the organs that deal with nourishing food, during the day and use it at night only. Other then not eating during the day, all Moslem must follow the strict rules of fasting, other then not eating and drinking during the day, be well behave, be good to all, never ever thinking of getting into evil doing...In a way Moslem are supposed to live like what the Koran preaches, be a good person all the time....Abstaining from eating is not that difficult if you set your mind to doing that...It is actually the setting of the mind and once it is set, the rest of fasting is easy...Some would loose weight during this month and some would be cured of sickness, whereas others would just enjoy the atmosphere of fasting and the change in the ritual of daily living...Friends If you who had not fast before, why not try it for a day or even half a day for a start and I am sure you would get the feeling of fasting and the benefit that comes with it....The changing eating habit get rid of the monotony of eating, in that the breaking of the fast at sunset, became such a welcome and wonderful meal of the day...With that came the appreciation of what having food is all about, you would soon understood of how the poor and the hungry felt for the wanting of food and water...Only with such understanding that we would appreciate more what food and drink means to all humankind...Thus bringing that humanity back to some of us, who at time thence to loose such noble value of being human...That is life my friends...Fasting in a way makes life more meaningful....Happy fasting...

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