Thursday, October 14, 2004

My friend went through the heart bypass operation yesterday, the operation was successful and when I went to see him at the ICU unit, He look alright and the two nurses who were at his bedside say that he is doing well and recuperating well...Great and we all hope that he would get well soon after this major operation of the heart...It look like heart bypass operation has became just one of those operation to improve on the quality of life....In the past Malaysian had to go overseas to get this sort of operation done and it cost dearly...But now after the National Heart Institute was established and more and more Private Hospitals were set up, such operation now could be done in this country by Malaysian specialists...In fact now Malaysian private hospital also cater for foreign patients as well, who specially come over here for special treatment at our private hospital....These private hospital building is just like those five or four star hotel, with all the facilities to makes one comfortable while being treated for their sickness.. Compare to the Government hospitals like the IJN [Institut Jantung Negara] or the National Heart Institute, the cost for treatment at private Hospital are high but then if you are covered by Insurance, it would just be alright, all expenses would thus be paid by the Insurance Company.... But if one do not have health insurance it would be better to get treatment at the government hospital, which provide services as good as that in private hospital...In fact Malaysian government hospitals are house in modern building and managed professional and staff by competence Medical professions, so it is just a matter of choice for Malaysian....Those that do not want to wait for treatment at the government hospital and could afford to pay at private hospital, could make the choice they like and get treated.... With prosperity, more and more people goes for treatment at private hospital..In a way its lessen the burden at the government hospital and health clinic all over the country....Coming back to the subject of my friend who has just gone through a major heart operation....I hope that he would take thing easy after this and would really adjust his retirement activities and enjoy life after retirement....For in retirement the greatest hopes of us in this golden age is good health and with that we all could continue living without worry and enjoy life.....

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