Thursday, October 28, 2004

It rain almost everyday now, so the days look a bit gloomy but in a way it drive the haze away and when the sun shine, the sky look clear blue with patches of white cotton like clouds...It really make a picturesque sight and it is great for photography...It is now almost in the middle of the fasting month and during this month food bazaar sprout everywhere, organized by the local council for traders to sell varieties of foods for the breaking of the fast...It is a sight only found during this month, so for those that do not have the time to cook their dinner, this food bazaar is a place to buy foods for the breaking of the fast...It makes things easy especially for those working couple... I just went to one such bazaar this evening, it is located at the parking lots in front of a shopping area nearby..The whole area has turn into a fair of a sorts, food vendors selling varieties of food. For us who fast all day long, looking at all those foods, makes you want to buy all and take home, but then it is like that, the temptation is great and one had to be careful not to get carried away and buy more then they could consumed..It would eventually go to waste and be thrown into the trash bin. Remember fasting during this months means that you had to avoid temptations in all aspect and this includes greed, which sometime comes with hungry people, how you wished you could eats and drinks all those foods and drinks on sale...Hunger makes your minds runs wild and sometime if you are not careful you would end buying so much foods and it would sure go to waste comes the time for the breaking of the fast ...You could only eat so much and in my experiences if you buy too much it would always go to waste and that is against the very principal of Fasting during the month of Ramadan...A good Moslem should always takes the middle course and makes smart decision, especially during this month and not makes decision base on one's emotional needs, use your head rather then you heart...Fasting among other thing teaches us to be humble, tolerance and understanding toward others, appreciation of all the goodness that had been provided, for a great living all through the years and thanks God for the Love that had been bestowed all throughout the years and hope that the year to come it would be as good, if not better....

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