Thursday, September 02, 2004

Well, good news, my friend from the California desert is back and kicking...But she is still looking for a home after living a her suitcase for a while....She sent me a Birthday Card with touching words....Thanks Mary for the card....You makes my day....I hope that you get lucky finding you new home.... Like I had said before we human are in a way nomad and love to move around and never satisfied with living at the same places.... We keep moving, maybe sometime just for a while....Like go on to another places and live in a motel or hotels and then move on and then return to your own habitat that you call your home....That's us human... Now we seem not that satisfied living on this planet we call earth only and are on the way searching for a new habitat among the haven.... I am sure in not too distance future we human would sat up a colony on Mars or some planet.... The latest report from the scientist that are looking at the haven is that we have a twin of a sorts like our planet earth, some fifty light years away.....Well that is something to think about....May be we have our twin on that planet...Who knows or some alien being more progressive than us and do not have war or evil in their vocabulary..... And I hope that when we migrate to these planet we would not bring the evil part of our gene, so that we have love all the time in the new planet....It would be really a Haven for all mankind......Like those people that love traveling, I love going around on a holiday or a sorts... Or is it really a holiday.... So how do one define a holiday, having fun and care less about the world and enjoy the real good life....I guess that is what holiday is.....I found that if you go on a holiday at a place that you own., like a condo somewhere, you actually do not really go on a holiday....Especially my dear spouse.....On arrival she would take the task of cleaning the place, vacuum it, clean whatever she touch, I guess that women are like that when they are in their own habitat.....So in another word she did not take the rest that she is supposed to do.....So one day our daughter told me that when you both go for a holiday,do not stay at your own condo....Just stay in those hotel and forget about other things except enjoy....True what she said......So now whenever we go for a holiday, we would not stay at our own condo or friends places.... And I found that it is an excellent idea proposed by our daughter, now mom do not have to clean and makes the bed in the morning, like she used to and have all the time to relax and enjoy....We just leave the hotel room as it is and then wonder around as a tourist and back to the room which by that time has been splashed clean and bed made, with new linen and everything in the room are perfect including the bathroom spot clean....What a life... That should be....If we had stayed at our own places or at a friend's apartment, we would have to do all those things to get the place as it is....But at the hotel, we just pay the bill and voila we get a great room all beautifully done and left us with plenty of time to enjoy....... So my friend the next time, just do like we did...Stay at a hotel and forget about everything else and enjoy..... One thing about hotel though, we are a bid fussy, we love those that kept to the standard of cleanness and good service.. Especially the bath room and the room it should be those at the no smoking area........It is a bid expensive....But then what is money if you do not spend it.....And at this golden age, it is time that we do the spending to enjoy the whatever that we had missed when we were busy working for a living..... Have a nice day....And Mary I hope you got the new home you are looking round.....And start all over again.... That is life my friend..... Enjoy....

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