Thursday, August 05, 2004

What a life... A day ago I received an email from our foster daughter in Italy, saying that she and her husband would be visiting their relative in London.... What a way to live.... They would be coming over to Malaysia come this November and it would indeed be a wonderful day for all of us, to gather together in this wonderful country of ours.... And yesterday I received another mail, this time from a pal that live in London and he is also is planning to make his regular visit to Malaysia and also in November.... The middle of November this year would be the month of Aidil Fitri, a festival after the month of Ramadan...... We would normally organized an open house to welcome guests for the Aidil Fitri Festival and it would be great when our foster child and our friend from the UK would be attending it together..... I hope that they would really make it this time, come this November and surely it would be a great party for all...... The weekend as usual is approaching and now in my golden year, the days passes very fast indeed, just a week ago I was wondering around the east coast, traveling from one city to another, all along the east coast and it look like it was just yesterday but in actually fact it has been almost two weeks already..... Well that is life and if you enjoy it to the fullest....The time pass by fast and before you think of it, it is yet another new week..... The weather during this weeks have been great, with clear blue sky all day and as usually in the tropic, it may rain as well from time to time, but not that bad.... It is good to get the rain during a hot weather for it helps to water the plants and the lawn and it as well cool the day for us to enjoy...... A clear blue sky in the tropic does not mean that it would not rain, the cloud could just change and there you are.... It rain, maybe for a short while and then it stop and then you would have clear blue sky again.....But then when this kind of rain happen, the air would be humid and living indoor would be just be uncomfortable....Well with the fans and the air condition, it help to cool you down for the day... My friends that is life in the tropic......You can never tell.... The weather.....That is the way of nature and life goes on......As usual.....

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