Sunday, August 08, 2004

It is early morning, you wake up from your sleep, you lay awake for some moments, your mind while away with memories of the past events, you play around the memories in you mind, you smile and you think hard.... then as the events unfold, some of the images are clear whereas others are fades, but then it is all your memories of the past.... You continue to flirts around those memories that are colorful and beautiful, at time you wish you could redo the same scene again and enjoy that moment in times, but you just could not do it for it is just an image in your memory bank.....You are awake....You look to the ceiling, you look at your spouse who is still sleeping, you sometime wonder whether she is dreaming in that deep sleep in this early hours.... You could not go to sleep and dawn is approaching and in a distance you hear a cock crows.....Or was it just pure the pigment of your imagination..... Yes if you live in the rural area you could still hear those cock crows but then you live in the city, there are now no cock around that you know of, perhaps someone did keep some cock and hen for pets, you can never tell what people keeps for pets nowadays..... Well that is life and as you lay there day dream of something interesting or you flirts in your mind of some exciting moments that you had sometime ago..... You smile and wish that all those great time would just became a reality again, but then it is not possible in our time..... You raised up and walk like zombie to the bathroom, just like a programmed robot you pick the toothbrush, squeeze some toothpaste on it and the start the ritual of brushing your teeth...... You have done these thousand time and it has became second nature to you... You walk to the shower and turn on the warm shower and enjoy the bath.... And you keep day dreaming again while you shower........ Satisfied with the shower you dry yourself up with a fresh towel and put up the basic dress and out to the kitchen to makes your breakfast...... As for me I makes my own breakfast all the time.... A cup of steaming black coffee, a glass of cold Ensure drink and two eggs either fried sunny side up or just half cook.... I found an easy way to do this half cooked eggs by using the microwave oven....Two eggs done just right in mere thirty five seconds..... It perfect to my licking all the time and I love it and that my dear friends is my daily breakfast.... Simple and I did it my way and enjoy the ritual of making this simple breakfast.......Well that is the way it is and that is how my day begin.... Of course as usual my spouse is already there having her breakfast.....We chat and enjoy the morning and then off to do whatever that had to be done to get the home in order..... The ritual goes into action just like clock works..... The beginning of another wonderful day in our life.......

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