Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Before I proceed on the story of my journey to the east coast, let me bring in some interesting events and happening at the KLCC recently..... The shopping mall at the KLCC is one of the most successful retail shopping in the country.... Thousand throng through it everyday and business are booming and for that reasons the retail shopping spaces are being expended to cater for more shops.....It is one of the success story of retail business.. A paradise for shopper of all ages and this includes foreigners that visit Kuala Lumpur as well..... The landmark building, the world's tallest, KLCC or the Petronas twin towers somehow attract the attention of the many that visit it everyday.....So as usual we went shopping at the KLCC yesterday and to our surprise we saw the President of Zimbabwe.. Robert Mugabe makes his appearance there, perhaps doing some shopping there.. He was walking at the concourse surrounded by many people, all dress in dark suit, I guess they are his bodyguards......I had seen him on TV before but today I saw him in real life, what a great day for me to see such a know political leader of an African country, Zimbabwe... It seem that he had come over to Malaysia to attend the Langkawi International Dialogue, a forum where politicians and business leaders from all over the world attend to discuss common issue and exchange ideas for the common cause..... Another interesting happening here is that we saw more and more Arabs with their families doing their shopping at the mall... It look like that more and more Arabs are coming over to Malaysian for Holiday.... In the past they would have their holiday and shopping in the west, but because they are not that welcome like before there and felt uneasy to travel to the west after the happening of September eleven...They decided to look for new destinations to spend their holiday, thus Malaysia became one of their destinations and now seeing Arab families in large numbers at the various shopping mall is a familiar scene... And by the look of it there are really spending and it is indeed a blessing for Malaysia... For they help to contribute to the booming Malaysian economy.... It look that the happening of September eleven did in a way change the way people travel and spending their holiday.... Before this event, we hardly see Arab with their families coming over to spend their holiday here, let alone do shopping... Well that is the way it is now... Good for Malaysia and a wealth for the country.. And prosperity for the people... It is just one of the blessing that we get for being good and nice to people all over the world who visit us..... It has been our nature to welcome guests and it look like it brought with it good luck and great business... I hope that this phenomena of foreigner coming over for holiday continues for it not only bring happiness to those guests but us as well.... Life is like that....Do a good deed and you would sure be rewarded with one some day.... Malaysia the enchanting holiday home.... For all to enjoy... Do make a visit.... Selamat Datang...

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