Monday, July 05, 2004

I guessed it is part of old age that sometime it works perfect but sometime it do not.... It is not me this time...It is my Classic Volvo....The brake do not seem to work and since the brake is a major part of any car...I just could not take any chance....It look like I had to sent it to the specialist to get it fixed... So I call the club's mechanic and told him of the problem and sure enough He say that it is a serious problem and He would attend it the next day.... So the next day a tow truck came and took my beau to the specialist.... It look like not only our species had to go to the specialist to get cured... My classic too had to be attended by a specialist since brake problem is considered a major problem in cars....Since a failed break is a disaster in waiting.... Not wanting to take any chance I told the mechanic to do what he could and get it done.... In the evening the mechanic call saying that it is a major brake failure and he had rectified it and it is now ok and ready to go.... Well as usual I asked him what is the damaged done... He say it is not much and the cost is reasonable for that type of surgery.... Well what can I say... It is another of those unexpected thing that happen in old age and the expenses is unforeseen, as we all know well, in budgeting we sometime makes allowances for 'unforeseen circumstances' and it look like this one is just that....And another unforeseen payment had to be made... It is one of those things that happen in real life... So the next morning I took a cab to the workshop and got the car back well running.... I just do not like to drive this classic through the city, without the power steering and automatic transmission, it need lots of energy to drive and maneuver it through those city roads and that many traffic lights....And it happen just before the lunch break so the traffics is a bit messy with many cars on the roads, on both sides of the roads.... It look like that people seem to be staying on the wrong side of the city all the time... Sometime I wonder why people living in the south had to go to work in the north or the west or the east... Why can't they live on the same side of the city and by doing so they do not have to criss crossed the city to get to their working places... But I guessed that is human nature.... We thence to settled at the wrong place all the time and had to travel to get to work... And no matter how much planning, we still landed to be living on the other side of the city or the streets... What is wrong with our species I just do not now.... May be a study should be done on this.... Like get the job first and then get the place to live.... Well it look like it is the story of the chicken and egg again.... Which one come first.... The egg or the chicken... Your answer is as good as mine... I think.... We would never be able to find the correct answer to this phenomenal of life... And as far as Malaysia is concerned it look like the number of cars on the roads goes on increasing.... The latest statistic released recently showed that in the year two zero zero three, some seven hundred and fifty thousand new vehicles were registered and that the estimated numbers to be registered this year would reach the one million mark....So it look like that we are going to have more and more cars on the road in the year to come.... It is a sorts of a Malaysian dream, everyone want to have a car of their own.... What can we say.... It is the best mode of getting from one place to another and it is at your command, unlike the LRT or the Monorail, it works on a fixed schedules and not at all at your command.... I guessed human being love to be at their own command.... So the cars are their choice..... That my friends is life......

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