Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Welcome to Gmail

Thanks to google, now I could blog while doing other things on the internet.... I am trying this at BlogThis!.... I have started using the Gmail and found it very interesting and so it look that it going to stay as one of my main email address.... I like the way the mail are chained together, making it easy to follow its development but I am not sure how the spelling check work... I hope it would works like writing blog but it did not.... I think those at gmail should fix this thing so that it is easy to correct grammar.... Another thing that I find not working is when I write email address on the send column, the sample of the email came out but when click, it did not appear on the column,so I have to type all the email address so what is the purpose of this email address that appear as we type... I hope gmail could fix this as well, so that like other email address I do not have to type the email address but click at the correct address that appear... Well these are teething probleml and I am sure it would be fixed up and we would be on our way experiencing a new way to do email....Like Blogging... The Gmail is going places I think...Its concept is new and is simple and user friendly... I love using it and have introduce its to friends.....

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