Friday, May 28, 2004

Oh!... What a beautiful Friday morning.... The sky is clear blue with only a patch of clouds on the horizon.... Last night downpour has cleared the haze away.... With such a clear blue sky it sure going to be a hot and humid day.... I was out washing the car and there I saw a squirrel rushing out to play in the nearby bush... The air smell of freshness and the grass are still wet with last night rain.... I love those smell of the day after the rain.... It so refreshing and it remind me of the days when I was living in the Kampong in the forties and the fifties, every morning the air were fresh and because it is normal to feel the freshness then we just took for granted the atmosphere.... Now living in the city, it is different...It is only after a heavy downpour that we get to smell the freshness of the air.... So today is among the few days that we get that feeling of that freshness in the air and I loved it.... It look like we are going to have a great weekend with such whether......

At the mosque last evening where I usually went to pray the Magrib prayer... I notice that there are few and fewer people attending the mosque for prayer.... Yesterday was Friday's night [ in the Islamic system the day start from the evening and not the morning ] and normally it is this evening that we see many people come to pray together at the Magrib prayer.... I wonder where the rest have gone..... Anyway it does not matter to me as to me personally going for prayer at the mosque from time to time should be done from the feeling of the heart... I went there because I felt that it is nice to pray together and in between the prayer time we socialized.... And I guessed that is one reason why Moslem are encourage to go to the mosque to pray together.... By doing this the mosque became a club of a sorts for people like us, other then to pray it would be a place to meet and chat and disseminate information for the common good..... I notice the mosque would be full of people when there are some 'religious' preacher come to give talks.... I have listen to some of these talks and found that it is more of rhetoric then substance.... So after attending a few of these talks.... I felt that it is not worth my time to listen to such rhetoric.... Which to me in the long run do not bring any good to Islam but in a way would create more misunderstanding, thus unhealthy for the development of the pure teaching of Islam..... It is because of listening to this rhetoric that people get carried away and eventually became extremist... And it is this extremist that had tarnished and corrupt the teaching of Islam.... I believe the only way to bring back the true teaching of Islam is for us to follow the teaching that are in the Koran and nothing else.... If we keep believing in the teaching of the various imam and religious leaders then we are bound to be mislead in some ways or others.... For ordinary human are bound to be bias in their thinking, thus we have various version on the interpretation of the teaching of Islam.... It is best that we stick to the true teaching that are in the Koran and interprets its according to the knowledge of our time and not to the knowledge of those that live fourteen hundreds years ago... The teaching of the Koran is simple... In a way it teaches all human to be good and preaches goodness and no violence at all... So to me if we want Moslem to progress, we have to go back to the Koran and practice what its preaches... And stop listening to all the preachers that astray from the true teaching... For Islam teaches are all the good values for the benefit of all mankind.... Islam never preaches evil especially hatred and violence .... It always preaches Love....So as Moslem let us spread Love and only the true teaching of Islam... Only then would Islam prevail......

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