Friday, April 16, 2004

Oh! What a surprise.... All the time I have being wondering what has happen to my dear friend that got married last year.... At that time She told me that she is going to get married.... She was in her late forties at that time and that she had met someone older then her and are going to get married.... Well as usual I advise her to get through it fast since her age is catching up and that she had waited that long to get married.... And after an exchange of a few mail in which I advise her to check everything including the health aspect of her husband to be since she say that the man which is much older then her had not married before, to me man that does not married at almost fifty or older must be exceptional and not normal.... Unless he is...... Anyway may be this is a special kind of man but I told her that they should have health check to be sure...., I had a feeling the she did not like what I say....So I guess that is why I lost contact..... I know very well that people in love are blind to so many things, and sometime do not stand to reasons.... Anyway what are friends for... If you do not give good advice at the time of need, even though you know that it could be a bitter pill to swallow..... And since there were no communication after that, I soon forgot all about this events and wish her well and hope that she would really get married this time and settled down..... And today of all the day I got an email from her .... after I forward a good joke to her..... It was a long mail , telling me that she had married for more then a year already and that she is happily married and still a career women.... An emphasis on the Career Woman.....Good for her and I replied.... and wish her well and told her that she should have as many children as possible and then enjoy of having grandchildren like me now.......For old folks like us, grandchildren are indeed a blessing and a sorts of a bonus.... So how do you get grandchildren if you do not have children in the first place..... So I told her that she should have as many children as possible and that in today's world, with science and technology age would not be a factor in having children.... I hope she realized fast and have children soon....... You know..... This career thing are sometime misunderstood by some woman..... To me it does not mean that 'career' mean not getting married and no children..... For I believe that woman should be first Motherhood and then Career and not the other way around.... Well what can I say other then that for I believe that God created women for a special purpose.... First is Motherhood and then the rest like career and so on........ I had known this lady from her university's days and later when she graduated she start working with a huge petro chemical company and doing very well indeed and now one of the top executive..... I know many people like her in the course of my work in the government agency, that deal with young people and she happen to be an active member of a Youth organization that I give advise from time to time..... As usual with me we continue to communicate whenever we could.... For friendship are very important to me and I treasured everyone of then..... For as we continue on our journey of life, we would soon realized that friends are indeed a very important aspect of our human culture, for we would be real lonely without friends, especially so in our golden age where friendship became a treasure that you cannot do without... where we more often share our sadness and our joy....... When we are young we do not really understand the real meaning of friendship.... It is when we get to this age that we realized the true meaning of friendship.... I am indeed glad that I have many friends and keep making more....even through cyberspace.....I had always believe that strangers are friends that we are yet to meet..... So do keep all your friends even at time friends sometime, for good intention hurt you.... for what are friendship if you do not care to advise when you find that things are not right.... the reason is because you care... If you do not care....then you just do not want to get involved in other people's life..... Friends....That is life.... Believe me age bring you wisdom and these wisdom should be share with others so that others may also benefit from the knowledge in this wisdom..... I hope my dear friend that I mentioned in the piece do not get angry for my telling this story to the world..... Let us share and may be we would eventually learn something from this experiences..... May be our value system differ but then we are from the same specie.... How are we to progress if the female counterpart adamantly want to remain 'career women' first and do not want offspring.... If this happen then that would be the last of our species.... Like the Jurassic period we would disappeared from the surface of the planet and perhaps other species would take over from us........ I guess that would happen if we tempered with evolution..... So if we want our species to continue to roam this blue planet.... Do have offspring.... the only way we could preserved our species..... Have career by all means but do not forget that your species have other purpose on this planet.... That is motherhood....... Have a nice Day.....

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