Sunday, April 11, 2004

It is Sunday.... the weather has been somewhat gloomy.....It has been like this since the beginning of this month and in the evening it rain..... So it has been quite a wet weeks..... I decided to stay at home and do some work on my front yard.... the fish pond had to be clean and the little garden had to be rake..... Then I took a spin on my vintage Volvo that I got recently...... Everywhere I went I would get a curious look by passerby and when I park, there would be people looking at this vintage.... Interesting eh!! This vintage car.... It is thirty eight years old.... So it has to be care of with kindness and with gentle touch..... This morning when I was washing the car and wiping it off the morning dew.... two young boys that live nearby stop by to see this beau.... They were still in their teen and as such this car are from another world.... I use to see this two boys first when they were just a few years old and now the are big and drive a local mini..... This well mannered boys stop by and say Hello to me .... And I showed them the engine of this vintage Volvo 122 classic.... They were impressed with the look of the engine, which has been partly chrome..... And when I started the engine it just run smooth.... Just like a new car..... Satisfied their curiosity.... They ask me about other oldies like the mini and the Volkswagen..... I told them it is a good car and that when I was young those were the cars that we dream of having.... They say that they would like to have one of this old classic especially the mini like the one use by Mr Bear in the TV series...... Happy they left and Me of course I am happy and felt great.... especially knowing that these young boys are having a dream, just like Me when I was at their age.... I dream to own one of the Volvo 122 and now at this golden age I did at last own one.... A beau..... that I drive from time to time just for the fun of it all.... And now I am also a member of the Kelab Volvo Klasik.... A club of those people that own this classic car......Well there is another toy to play and enjoy..... What a life.....So another Sunday just passed by and Here Me still at my laptop writing this....A journal of my daily ritual.....Trying to make it as interesting as possible and sharing it with the world and hope that it would in some small way contributes to making life more entertaining for those that read this blog.... I suppose my foster daughter in Italy is reading this and would laugh at this thoughts..... Yes... I just got an e greeting card from her and it really make me happy, for just a day ago I was thinking of her and it keep lingering in my mind... Then the e card arrived..... What a coincident....Or was it!!!! Let leave it at that..... Thanks Joan.... You really makes my Days.......

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