Friday, April 23, 2004

It is Friday again, the weather has been a bit gloomy and hot, and the virus is making a havoc to my email address..... I call a friend Paul to seek his advise as to how to deal with this virus problem.... He say that he is having the same problem, probably it came from me.... Well I do not know about that.... May be the virus did that.... Pick up an address from my address book and create a havoc with his computer.... I also found that it is not me only that got this virus problem.... Our daughter in Boston is also having virus attack and some of my friend overseas are also having the same problem.... So I seek Paul know how on this problem and he say why not us an antivirus program available in the internet and he has done that and managed to get rid of the virus in his computer..... So he gave me this address housecall and with his advise I tried and this software found the virus and got rid of it and I continue to scan and later found that there are no more virus but I am not that sure as yet..... I have to wait and hope the virus are really gone...... What can we all do in cyberspace.... These virus are a smart lots and they are just doing their job of creating havoc, obeying orders its creator want.... Just to give us human more headache..... I hope that we can always stay one step ahead from these virus and hope for the best.... So if my friends had not received any reply to their mail.... Do excuse me for I did reply to all those email that I received.....If they did not received it..... Surely it is the doing the these virus...... Well lets hope for the best for all of us are new in the cyberspace and are learning the system every minutes..... As usual we human would get over it and survived.........

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