Saturday, March 27, 2004

Got two email today, one from the 'spy' in Bali, the holiday paradise and the other one is from a 'matsalleh' in the UK, known as Paken..... This spy, a sort of a 'matahari' has just send me a long report of her activities in this haven..... Listing all the problem and the actions that has been taken to reactivated this golden resort into a greater haven then it was before..... A new CEO was recently appointed and He is on the go.... day and night without sleep to get this lost paradise into action so that more and more of those rich and famous would come over and stay at his resort..... As usual with new CEO..... the first six months is a trying time...... If possible you want to change everything.... if possible get all knew staff so that they would dance to your tune.... But as we all know this is not possible..... I was once a CEO..... I would love to change everything in the office..... get in my set of people that could work well and effective with me.... but it is just not possible.... the are standard rules we CEO had to obey or else we would be in big trouble...... so I guess it is the same with this CEO in Bali....... We all know that changing people habit and attitude is not easy..... But it could be done.... I believe that given the right motivation people would be productive..... As CEO we have to look at the fine things and try hard to answer the question of the Why and How..... And once you find the real answer to these questions..... You would be on the way to getting the work forces really working.... Another aspect we all have to look is the human factor that link to their pay package.... like what they really take home..... not what they are paid.... these are two different things.... We all know that most CEO are paid well[beyond the wildest dream of the local] especially those foreigner.... but the local are paid less for the same job...... so we have to try and look at the incentive that could be given to those local staff.... like more set of uniform, a family day for their family.... training for the staff in house which should includes motivation courses....... I have done this before and it works..... We all must remember that work culture now has changes from the past ..... If CEO continue to practice old work culture.... Then He is doom to fail...... We have to be in tune to the present and not the past.......get it and you would eventually succeed......

As to my friend from the UK, this guy is a special friend ..... He love Malaysia and would be here almost every winter..... And He has money to spend and he say he is going to visit another country in old Europe this April.... According to Him before all these small countries in Europe all adept an EEC culture..... and would not then be that interesting to visit anymore. I guess by now he has visited all those European countries, the new and the old.... This time he send me a really long email..... He admit that He was drunk at the time of writing..... I believe Him... for drinking is His daily ritual and norm.....He cannot live without drinking....... Anyway I did not see anything not right in this long mail..... He discuss many things and most of it very interesting indeed...... He even introduce me to his drinking partner in Malaysia, and ask me to contact this guy.... so with the phone number given I did call this gentlemen and We soon became friend.... Another stranger just became my new friends.... Thanks to Paken and cyberspace......... From the tone of his mail.... I believe he is planning to come here for good or more regular..... I would love to have him stay in our little house in Kuantan and then He can have all the sea and sunshine all the year round.... You know He was once one of those British soldier that served Malaya in the fifties and because of it, these soldiers are decorated by the British Army.... A sort of Medal were given to those braves..... and now he is looking for the original medal.....but to no wail..... Well we have to keep looking.... He is mad about getting one of this original medal.... He is of my age group and have travel well but has not visit the America or the Australiasia..... He did not seem to like the American and those down under.... I have ask him to come along with me to visit America but he seem just uninterested but love to come over to this part of the world, especially Malaysian and Indonesia.... Well what can we say.... He has fallen in love with Asia.... Countries that have long civilization, beautiful and full of sunshine and great seaside and the weather is perfect all throughout the year..... A paradise of a sorts....... You are always welcome...Ken......

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