Monday, March 15, 2004

...... This is the symbol of all those parties that makes the National Front.... A coalition of fourteen political parties that had rule this country since independence in nineteen fifty seven..... Different from coalition party in other countries that are usually formed after the election, so as to enable it to form a government.... in Malaysia case this coalition is form before the election and it is in fact almost a permanent coalition, with it own symbol and party headquarter and a secretary general..... They would go to the poll as one party, that is the Barisan Nasional or the National Front.... This augur well for the Malaysian society as this coalition includes all the parties that represents the races of Malaysia.... and when they form the government after winning the election, all the races are well represented in the government.... Thus provide the stability in the government..... Which in turn makes the government more stable and accountable..... To the citizen as a whole, which is multi racial, multi cultural and multi religious..... Of course there are opposition parties and they are made of the Pan Islamic Party or Pas, the Keadilan, the Democratic People Party or the DAP, the Socialist People Party..... In the last election these group of parties form an Alternative Coalition and in this year election the DAP is out of this coalition and are going to the election on their own...... So like any democracy there are tough campaign going on to woo the voters just like in the past election..... Well that is democracy and in the end it is the people's choice that win the day......

Well with the nomination done and the ruling party, the Barisan Nasional or the National Front won fourteen seats uncontested for the parliament seat and several seats in a of number states assembly..... It is always like that after nomination day, as some seats are uncontested and some candidates were disqualified....... And then after the nomination day..... Contestants are again give three days to decide whether to go on contesting their seats or withdrawal and indeed some did withdrawal just before the three days period expired, which is today the fifteen March...... So now the campaign is going on all over the country..... Starting with the poster war of a sort..... the whole country is now like a festive season...... Colorful poster, banner, bunting and flags are hung and strung all over the streets and roadsides.....It is like that during this campaign period, which is from nomination day till mid night on the eve of Polling day.... the twenty first of March, two zero zero four......

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