Tuesday, February 17, 2004

While in Malacca.... We were invited by a friend to lunch to his home... It was indeed a surprise invitation, but then in our culture... Inviting friends to lunch is a tradition that have continue throughout the generations, where.. whenever possible we would always like friends to come over for lunch.... But in this case it is a friend that I made some years ago by pure coincident... not much that I know about him except that whenever we met, when they came to shop at a nearby retail shop, near a place that I live and often visit to get the housewhole needs. Meeting this man with his charming wife always by his side, was always interesting, as though we have been close friends for a long long time.....On one occation I invited them to our Aidil Fitri Open House and they did came.... Other then that and meeting them from time to time, I know very little of this friendly couple..... I knew that they live in Malacca but had not been to their house before.... So how did I get to know this friends.... Al is his name ..... Well it is actually by a sort of a chance meeting,... It all start when my car broke down and since it is a car with an automatic transmission... Its engine could not be start by pushing like we normally do with a manual gear transmission car..... It need a jumper to start the dead engine..... So I decided to park the car and think of going home to get a jumper to do the job..... At this very moment a Stranger with his wife in the car.... Alighted from His car and offer to help and say he had a jumper..... Before I could say a word He had already took the jumper from the boot of his car and in a matter of minute got my engine running again.... Thanks to this generous man... A stranger.... That just happen to be there... At the right time... At the right place.... in the passing of my life..... He is the Mr.Al, now a close friend.... It is indeed a Godsend friendship that I treasured.... Today out of the blue He invited us to lunch to his home.... the invitation was an SMS message that I got early in the morning..... the beep on my cell phone wake me up... and on looking...., I look at the SMS and there is this message [ idrus, will u have lunch w us? i will fetch u ] inviting us for lunch at his house today, request a reply of Yes or No..... My wife was still sleeping then..... And when she woke up, I told her of the invitation. We decided to accept the invitation... He say he would pick us up at one pm, so I decided to carry on with my ritual, like cleaning up and plan to go out to get today's newspaper.... It was still early then and at about noon, I decided to go out to get the Newspaper.... As I was about to drive.... My friend drove in on the opposite side, so I horned and we made contact..... I decided not to got out then but instead to meet him and take him around to meet my new found friends that managed this Resort..... The introduction to the people that manage the Hotel soon became more of a just introduction.... It soon became another of those chat and joke get together, like old friends meeting each other after a lapse of some times..... So He got to know those people at the Resort and I am indeed happy that there were great chemistry all along and that's what makes this kind of meeting interesting and strangers became friends in mere minutes and it last for ever.....That's what I call real friendship.... That would color your life all through.... in the journey of life.....

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