Monday, January 26, 2004

We really had a great weekend, first on Saturday we were invited to a Chinese New Year Party at Genting Highland and then on Sunday when we arrived at our condo in Malacca, we were invited to attend a Bar B Q that evening hosted by the new management of this resort... On arrival at the resort I met the new management and to my surprise that the man incharge of this new management's team came from my hometown of Kuantan... After the initial introduction we sat to chat and soon realized that we seem to know of the who and who in Kuantan... He happen to be my cousin's classmate when he was schooling in Kuantan in the sixties, Kuantan then was just a small town on the east coast and everyone seem to know each other... Not like nowadays where it would not be possible to know everyone in town.... Anyway one subject leads to another and soon we became friend .... It was indeed a surprise that every names that I mentioned he knew them too... so it was like chatting with old friends.... Whereas.. in fact this is the first time I met this man... He happen to be a Malaysian that got his university education in down under and after graduation did not return but instead he venture in seeking his fortune in Australia and then got married to an Australian ..... Eventually settled in Sydney, Australia... Their kids are now schooling in Australia.... I believe he now live in a shoecase, shuttling from one continent to another ... Enjoying life I suppose while doing business.... Well that is the mix up nationalities of the people of Malaysia.... and their success..... He told me that he got homesick and yearn to return.... so he did return eventually... and start to go into business in his hometown of Kuantan and from there, with the experiences gain, he manage a holiday resort in Kuantan and now this resort in Malacca...which was once the resort that tourist flock all years round for holiday in sunny Malacca... Mismanagement brought this great holiday resort to a halt during the financial disaster in the late nineties.... The resort which was know as the Mutiara Malacca Beach Resort was left without proper management for almost five years.. We as owners of the condo were left in a lurch as to what is going to happen to our once great holiday resort... For almost five years the owners did what they could to salvage this resort...And now thanks God a new management has taken over and the future look promising... We hopes... Well at that evening we attend the Bar B Q and met the other guests.... and it turn out to be a very interesting evening... We began to hear once again the sound of music and singing in the Bistro just like before... the burning of the Bar B Q pit with those sizzling steaks and the smell of burning charcoal mix with the smell of those foods being grilled... remind me of the past Bar B Q that were often seen at the poolside of the resort.. With holiday maker enjoying their drink and snacks along side the swimming pool... while others spend their time swimming and wading in the pool..... Indeed it is a delighted sight to see... Parents with their small kids enjoying together splashing in the small swimming pools till late at night... And when the resort close all those happening ceased and slowly the swimming pool turn green for lack of maintenance..... But now thanks to the new management... The pool is back gleaming blue like before.... the mosaic of the Blue dolphin at the bottom of the pool could once again be seen.... tempting swimmer to take a dip.. What a great sight... To me and the other owners of the condo... that makes this holiday resort.... It was a scene that bring great joy of seeing our once great resort is actually making a come back... Under a new name The Merak Malacca Beach Resort... The Bar B Q was well done... We drink and ate and enjoy... We chats and touch of those things that could makes this resort as popular as before... We could hear cheer of those at the Bar... Drinking their favorite drink... A new Bar!!, now as part of the Bistro..With music blaring familiar tunes... And soon we hear a lovely voice of a great singer singing a great song...Where did she came from....Everyone wonder... and wants to know...... It is great to the ears and she was really good... Of course everyone wants more of it.... It look like old times again at this resort... The music, the splashing in the pool, the Bar B Q beside the pool and those people enjoying their drinks around the pool and the Bar.... Well it look like our MMBR is really making a come back this time... Great.... We did enjoy the evening meeting new faces and as it was late we parted with a promise to meet again soon for another Bar B Q at this resort... Our own resort... Now the Merak Malacca Beach Resort....... Thanks to the team of the new management... Mr.Ram.. Mr.San... I believe you have done a great job... We pray and hope that you would be successful... Why not... It already look promising... A good start indeed.....

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