Tuesday, January 20, 2004

We decided to have our breakfast at a road side stall at Beserah before proceeding to visit our friend at Balok...You know the lady with a bungalow beside the sea that I wrote sometime ago... Yes.. She was not well.. so we decided to visit her when we make our trip to Kuantan......At one of the stall there is a buffet breakfast spread... so we had nasi lemak and roti canai with the usual coffee and teh tarik... while having breakfast I make a call to our friend and the maid said that she is not around and that she has gone to the hospital for a medical check up.. so I decided to speak to her husband and he told us to come over while he contact his wife on the cell phone...after a while the husband call us back and said that...She would be back soon and that we should come over now instead to wait for here to come back...Since they are both our close friend and at one time a neighbor...we decided to proceed to their house as soon as we finished breakfast..... we while the time with a few call to other friends telling them that we are in Kuantan....and if time permit we would see them also...but not to worry...and take it easy..... We finish breakfast and left for the house....Well we reach the house and Md was there to greet us with joy, we shake hands and we hug, we had not met for quite sometime..it was indeed a warm welcome...he usher us into the house while say that they had a guest, staying with them over night...He is one of those famous writer that write frequently in the 'Reformasi' internet website, he is non other then the famous or infamous Raja....A great follower of the former Deputy Prime Minister....I have read most of his writing regarding reforms and other articles that seem to be anti establishment of a sort.......But this is the first time that I had the opportunity to meet the person Himself....He was there with his wife...so after all the introduction my wife and me join the group and continue to talk on many subjects especially the local politic....one subject leads to another and time pass on and still no sight of the lady of the house...soon she call saying that she would be delayed...and would be able to join us as soon....we continue our chat and sure enough she arrived with a smile....my wife was really glad to meet her and of course to exchanges notes...Like all ladies do...They adjourn to the kitchen and chat and left us man to continue with our little political talk....The staying quests soon left and we continue to chat until lunch time....and as usual in our tradition the host would invite the guest to lunch....we agreed....It a tradition that we continue to keep up till these days...the menu could be just impromptu..anything that could be cook in a moment and soon we had a sumptuous lunch together...We continue to exchanges note and stories and hardly we knew it was then two in the afternoon...and since we had other plan we bid farewell to our dear friends with a promise to meet again some other time....

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