Saturday, January 31, 2004

The saying here is that when you think of a person in a moment and the next moment or happening, you meet that person or the person just materialized, it means that the person has a long life...... So goes the saying.... This morning that just happen to a friend of mine...... This morning I send this friend an email, He is the secretary of the Volvo club, suggesting that the reopen MMBR, a holiday resort in Malacca be their next venue for a get together, since it is not that far from Kuala Lumpur, moreover this resort is beside the sea and it has great swimming pools and spacious condo apartment that are very suitable for families, especially those with kids.... kids love the swimming pool and this would be great for a family weekend holiday away from home...The apartment has facilities for cooking too and it would make the family weekend relatively cheaper and would be just like home, where they could cook their own food and enjoy it with friends in the group..... Well I thought that this resort is ideal for a retreat of a sort, for the club members from time to time....So that was the reason I send that email to this friend of mind... As for me we have a condo apartment there, it has been our regular get away place...... Well after send the email I went out to have my car washed..... While the car is being wash, I call another friend, also a Volvo Kelasik club's member and told him of the email I just send and at the same time told him of the plan as well..... After just finishing our conversation..... The person I send the email this morning suddenly emerged... All smile... He stop his car and we talk and I told him the indeed he has a long life.... He laugh.... He say that he just saw my email before coming over to the gas station..... Oh!!! What a coincidence ..... Well that is life..... We talk for a while and then he left..... It is an happening and that what's makes life interesting.... I guessed that our old folks have great wisdom..... This chance meeting today is indeed something to think out a loud....

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