Friday, December 05, 2003

One of the most interesting development in the Middle East this week is the signing of the Geneva Accord in Switzerland between the moderate leaders of Israel and the Palestine people...... It is indeed an interesting development and one should not just ignore this development aside.... Although it has no official status, it is something that has come about without the involvement of other countries. From the discussion of BBC, I found out that a big percentage of the people of both Israel and Palestine support the Accord....I believe those in power should look seriously on this document and take further action, like taking it to the United Nation to be debated and realized..... From what I know of this Accord, both side have made concession that would lead to the eventually establishing the state of Palestine side by side with Israel, with Jerusalem, be divided into two part where the capital of both states would be sited........With this there would be lasting peace in the holy land and all those people who were at war for decades could live in peace and share prosperity...It is a brave move on the part of those that took part in this Accord....At the present time I believe it is the only document that would bring lasting peace to the Middle East...The American should look seriously on this document for in it one could at least see the light at the end of the tunnel...I am indeed glad to hear that the American Secretary of State would be meeting the architect of this Accord in Geneva soon despite a protest from the leader of Israel....Why the protest I simply could not understand....for its implementation would bring peace to all....let give this idea a chance to least there is now an alternative way to bring peace to the Middle east.....It is the beginning and it is not going to be easy, but at least there are hopes with this agreement, though it is just a Accord that is not official..I believe this document could be given official status if both countries Israel and the Palestine could conduct a referendum to get the view of the ordinary people of both countries. If the majority decide to accept it then it should be as to bring peace to this part of the world... It is worth a try....Thanks and congratulation to those leaders both from Israel and the Palestine that took part in producing this important Accord....the Geneva present the only way toward peace in the Holy land......Let give it a chance to succeed....Everyone have more to gain and it is a win win situation for both Israel and the Palestine.....Good luck...

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