Tuesday, December 30, 2003

It is indeed a great morning...First received an email from a friend...say that he has became a blogger...somehow I have manage to convince him to blog since he is real good at writing....I guess he is one of those person that is gifted with the arts of writing...His blog is just simply know as Just Sharing .....Well my friend, you would soon find that blogging to people like us is a Godsend means for us to put our thoughts in writing and share it with others, so that we may make this world of ours a better place to live and enjoy life.....and surely we have to thanks all those good people at Blogger for making this tools available to us all.......Last nite I receive a call from my Mat Salleh friend....that English man from UK that I have been talking about....a great friend indeed....we will be meeting today just at noon and our rendezvous is KLCC....the reason being it would be easy for him to get to KLCC...he just has to take the LRT Putra Line from his home in Petaling Jaya and disembark at the KLCC station...it is just as easy with the the LRT now...as for me KLCC is just three minutes away from my home....and KLCC is indeed a great place to meet...and from there we shall plan to what to do with the rest of the day....Well we met at the Deli Frace at the Mall of the KLCC.....when I arrived on the dot at twelve noon, he was there sipping his coffee...he had arrived earlier from Petaling Jaya, taking the Putra LRT to this KLCC station....I order another coffee and sat down to chat....He was in a great mood this morning...many people seem to be queing to get their coffee or buy lunch at this French fast food restaurant....a popular one indeed....we chat for a while and I enquire whether he has being to Putra Jaya, the new administrative capital of Malaysia.....a completely new city was develop on a former rubber and oil palm estate....it is a must see place for anyone who visit Malaysia..this new city could be reach by the fast train from Kuala Lumpur and of course by road....well since he has not see this beautiful and beautifully landscape city...I decided to take him there for him to see for himself the development of this new capital city of Malaysia.....[to be continue]

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