Monday, November 03, 2003

Well my blog have being listed on the Rice Bowl Journal's site, an Asian journal site exclusive to Asian, which includes Asian living in countries other then their home country, I found thousand of blogs from all over the world registered at this site, it is indeed an interesting site. It has facilities to interact with other blogger via it's forum site one of which I visited recently and discuss the Mahathir of Malaysia's era. I found those in the discussion are matured in their thinking and this augur well to the bloggers which are mostly in their youth. As a senior I am able to provide thoughts from another generation, which I think would help this new Asian generation, to understand and appreciate their past and what they can hope for in the future. As can be seen Asia is set to make a come back to the world scene which it has 'pause' for some time, perhaps due to past failure. We all know that Asian was a very civilized countries with great development in all fields of human development, of infrastructure building, of the construction of great buildings and great temples and other monument, like those that are still exist till today, i.e the Barabador in Indonesia and the Angkor Watt in Cambodia, the Taj Mahal in India, the Great Wall in China and the likes all over Asia left behind by the past great Asian civilization. In the aspect of human resources, Asian can be proud of their past achievement in science, philosophy, literature, mathematic and the social science, Civilization exist in all the Asian countries long before it happen in the middle east. When Asian countries were at their height of civilization, most of the countries in the west were still in the dark ages, they was no the America then although there already exist the civilization of the Inca and the Mayas in the countries of the present Latin America, but the coming of the European destroy all these civilization. As we all know too well for some unknown reasons the great civilization of the Asian countries took a 'pause' for some time and when the west came to colonized this part of the world, one by one countries in this part of the world began to be colonized by the west and it remain so until the early nineteen century. The present young Asian must understand that they had great civilization and tradition in the past and they should not forget their past glory and should continue to make Asian a great place to live and enjoy life, for we have a very great history indeed......We now have Asean,with ten Asian countries working together and now we have the Asean plus three, soon I believe we would have an Asian Nation like the EEC in Europe, the formation of an Asian Economic Community is not an impossible thing and I believe in the next decade it would materialized and would became a economic and political power house that would play a more meaningful role in the global arena... Asia would rise achieve this the present generation of Asian must acquire more knowledge and with that it would be able to participate more effectively in global affair in the future.....for our asset is today's youth....they and only they could make all these happen......

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:55 pm

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