Thursday, November 27, 2003

Trying to write today, but the blog does not seem to work right, so am trying again and hope that it works this time, I wrote a long one yesterday but was unable to post and so I lost my thoughts in cyberspace, where has it gone....I do not know, I tried to recover but to no veil, well that is one of those thing that can happen in everyday life, felt bad that I lost a whole page of writing, but what can I do...but try to write again and hope that it would work this time.....The computer is our creation and since it has no sense of emotion, it did not feel anything, but as a writer I felt angry that I lost everything that I wrote...anyway those people at blogger say that something is not right at the server and they are trying to get it fixed, like before they really work fast and I hope they would find a way to recover those thoughts that I lost in cyberspace, anyway thanks to them that I am writing this now and hope that I could post it....well that is what happen in real life....sometime it never work like what you want.....most of the time it do... I guess that I have to live with it for when dealing with computer we have to accept the fact that like us human, the computer also make mistake from time to time....the only difference is that we have emotion and the computer does not have, I still feel bad at loosing those thoughts....Well as I have said before, I have to live with it and forget about it and continue to enjoy those people at blogger, thanks friends for making life so wonderful with blogging.....have a nice day...

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