Sunday, November 09, 2003

This morning after having my last meal of the night at just after five in the morning, [ during the fasting month we had our last meal just before the morning prayer, it is call syhor, an important meal during the fasting month, for by taking this early morning meal before sun rise, one is kept healthy and would have enough energy to sustain oneself throughout the day's fasting from sun rise to sun set] I set to watch the TV and turn on the international channels, well the first channel I watch is ABC's forum and there were discussing about peace and war and the role of religions, those speaker from the main religion in Australia gave great insight as to the role that religion could play in making this world a better place to live and in one instance a speaker blame Bush the American President for all the problems in the middle east look like it is becoming true and then on another channel, I think on CNN, they were discussing about the survey regarding anti Semitic taken in Europe recently which show more than sixty percent of the European blame Israel and the USA for the present situation in the middle East, with no peace in sight but instead more and more problem, well I hope those people in Israel and America take note that they have to do something to bring more peace to the world. While watching another program this time on BBC, came another news that there is a big bomb blast in Riydhad, Saudi Arabia, up till this morning, I am still not sure of what really happens in the Saudi Kingdom.....Well it look like the situation in the Middle east is not getting better, with Iraq look like becoming another Vietnam for the American, almost everyday young Americans get killed and equipment costing Million of dollars got blown away, like the helicopters that got shot done recently and the blowing up of pipe line and the destruction of building in Baghdad itself.....the Red Cross and the United Nations have decided to pull out of Iraq for security sake and coupled with the decision of Turkey not to send troops to Iraq.....well it does not look good to the American occupier .....Like we all say, war is not the solutions to all the problem in the world especially the middle east, war has never being able to create total peace except in few cases....well it look like we human never learn....They still think might is everything and that with might would solved everything....I do not believe so, the only way toward peace is through talking.....human must communicate...only by communication and using our wisdom would we be able to bring peace to the world especially the Middle East, me the only way is for the American who has influence on Israel to quickly established an independent Palestine state and get the Israel to return to it original boarder before the nineteen sixty seven war....only with the establishment of a Palestine state and the return of the situation before nineteen sixty seven would peace prevail in the middle east. As to the situation which is in the mess now, I think the American should leave now before it became another Vietnam and let the United Nation run the show for a while until the Iraqi elect their our leader to lead the country....well people like me can only advise....but some time it is the small people that have no vested interest that makes the difference...Bush and Blair would have to make the decision, they started this war and like all honorable man they had to made the honorable decision for the sake of peace of the world.....we all can only pray and hope that peace would come soon before more youth get killed....Without any cause.....

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