Tuesday, November 25, 2003

......... Happy Aidil Fitri and Selamat Hari Raya to all....... have a great day...... Yesterday was the last day of fasting during the month of Ramadan.....and today Moslem all over the world celebrate the first day of Sywal.... the Aidil Fitri festival....let us all enjoy this auspicious day and at the same time do not forget all those people that are not so fortunate like us Malaysian, who live in a free and a prosperous country....Let us give thanks to Allah for all the good thing that He has bestowed up us, that makes this country Malaysia such a wonderful place to live.....To all Moslem and non Moslem all over the world, let do our little bid to make this planet of ours a better place to live and a great future for our children and grandchildren. Let us all work toward peace in all the trouble spot of the world.... pray and hope that everyone on this planet would be able to enjoy this Aidil Fitri .....To Malaysian...Selamat Hari Raya and to the rest of the world Happy Aidil Fitri, Have a nice day....

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