Thursday, October 30, 2003

Yesterday was a really great day, that afternoon I received the telephone numbers of a lost friends, a classmate from the forties. A close friend of mine that I had lost contact for some times, recently while in Kuantan I enquire about his where about from a friend, this friend say that he knew the person I am looking and that he may be able to help me to trace the where about of this lost friend of mine. So the telephone call from my friend's office was indeed makes my day, his assistant says that she had the telephone number of my lost friend, it was great indeed, so I immediately call this friend of mine and in mere seconds we made contact. This friend is a classmate of mine, he is an Indian Malaysian by the name of Anamalai.... in the class at that time he was the wizard of math, mathematic was a second nature to him... and some time I wonder how he got to be that good in Math, perhaps it is in his gene's, we all know very well that those Indian have a long history and that the present numeral, the one that we call the Arabic numeral actually was introduce in a way by the those great thinkers in the subcontinent of India.... I am not that sure, but possibly it is so... most of us in the class at that time are not good at all this subject of math, some hate it and some are just not made to understand mathematic, in fact I was really bad in math that I flung the exam at that time, any way that was in the late fifties. I later learned that to be successful in life we all have to get use to learning Math, for without understanding Math we would not be able to proceed further in our education.. As friends we cross the racial and religious barriers and because of that We were are very close friends. We all parted after we took the final year examination in nineteen fifty seven at the Abu Bakar School in Kuantan..... off we went on our way to look for jobs or to go for further as young adventurer we went into the real world to fulfilled our dreams and ambition ...some eventually became lawyers, like those two that own the well established law firm in Kuantan, another became a pilot, another became an army officer, another became a legend in the hospitality industries, some join the government services and became heads of various government department and of course some went to politic and soon became political leaders.... well the list would go on and on.... it is endless, for it was the way we all took to play our parts in those changing society, we all are old now and most have retired, but some like my lawyers friends in Kuantan are still in command of their proud law firm [HYLee & Hee], that they have build and I am sure this law institution that they pioneered, would still be there long after they retired.. As to my friend Anamalai...once the head of the Health section of the local municipality, he has since retired... well he is still active, now a consultant of a sort to a business organization and enjoying every minute of his semi retirement days....We are from the Class of fifty seven and we all are proud of it, for that was the year that our country gain independence and soon to develop into one of the most prosperous country in this part of the world....we are glad that we were there to makes this happen for we were the pioneer.... in almost every fields at that a small way we did contribute to the achievement of today's Malaysia......It is great indeed to be the 'anak Kuantan' the children of Kuantan.....

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