Tuesday, October 07, 2003

This morning I received an email from a friend from the south, at last she say that she have managed to visit my blog and read it, well she say it is good, and continue to say that when she first receive my blog, she thought that the word blog means another virus protections program's, well that what happen quite so often to us in cyberspace, a new cyberlanguage just pop up and we are expected to understand it, we I also got stuck sometime ago when I came across this word 'blog', well, I keep asking some of my friends and they too seem to be ignorant of such work and eventually I read it in the local media explaining what a blog is all about and as I began to use this new cyberlanguage word, it soon became a common word to me and I just took it for granted, so I guessed it was my mistake when I send the link of my block to this friend in the south, I should have explain to her what this blog is all about, so M... sorry for that, well I guessed that's what makes this blog interesting, and because of her email this morning that I am touching on the story of the blog, and putting this in my blog this morning, I am indeed glad that more and more of my friends all over the world are getting to understand the new media of communication in cyberspace, the blog. People of my generation have lot to learn from the present generation and I am glad that the new generation is in an indirect way are actually teaching us, old folks about this phenomena in the cyberworld...we live in ever changing would, if fact I just came back from the computer bazaar, here in Kuala Lumpur, it is in a building along the famous Bintang Walk, entering this Low yatt Plaza, one would be amazed to find all the tools and what not, that relate us to the computer world, one could get any kind of computer, desktop, laptop and the like at a very competitive price. And the are thousand and thousand of peripheral for the computer wizard to brows and pick parts to build their own computer, it is indeed a fascinating site to see, young and old doing their shopping for everything that makes a computer, I guess one would easily spend hours under this shopping mall roof, without realizing time passed by... it is just like being in cyberspace itself, and when one realized one would find that time passed at an amazing pace, so fast that hours seem like seconds. As for me, it is one of the shopping mall that I live to brows along, not just for buying anything but just for the fund of it, this morning we spend almost half a day in there and end with a great lunch at the food courts, that served various type of foods, we had a harthy meals and sped home....happy.....

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