Saturday, October 11, 2003

Like I have said before, I treasured my friendships, no way I would part with them, it is one of the greatest assets that we Human had been bestowed with, for what a life without friends and remember real friend are hard to come by, so if ever you have them, do keep them, for they are the one that are going to be there when the time comes, there is a Malay saying...ramai kawan semasa ketawa, tetapi teman bersedih amat berkurangan.[ one have many friends during happy time, they laugh together with you, but one would find that there would be only a few around,when one's cry ] These are facts of life, there are nothing much we could do, but hopes that everyone of our friends are really true friends. Talking about friendship, some how I makes friends real fast, some time total stranger, that I met while traveling and in cyberspace became close friends, strange it may be but it happen to me many, many times and these friends are as close as ever. I guess it the chemistry in us that make us click...Let me relate an incident, Some time ago I met this guy on board the Ferry Malaysia, traveling from Sarawak, Sabah and the east coast of peninsular Malaysia, He was alone drinking out near the swimming pool aboard the ship, and as usual with me, I soon get to talking with him and on arrival at Kuantan's port, my brother gave him a lift to Kuantan town. and then we parted...after exchanges of info... this all happen before the era of the internet, so we keep in touch by letters and post cards and now with the internet we keep in touch regularly, He would come over to Malaysia almost every winter and often visit our humble Hut in Ampang Jaya, He is now a close friend of my wife and me and this winter he would be here again, for he love this country... this is the story of one of the many of my friends that once was a total stranger. I believe that we all want to make contact, that is the human nature but at time we find it difficult and at time afraid, for one is going into an uncharted territories, full of the unknown and I believe the contact would happen if the chemistry of the two strangers click, and if it did not click, then friendship would not bloom. Some time one is introduced to a person and how great you try to makes friends to this stranger, some how the stranger or yourself just repel it, this may be your karma conflict and you do not click. It happen to me a few time, I met a guy and I shake his hand and tried vary hard to be as friendly but up to this day, he just avoid me, but there are many instances where, I met a person while traveling in the LRT and we be became good friend... I guessed that I am lucky and many strangers have became close friends, even in cyberspace, while living in the USA I have met friends and we keep in touch till this day and we have not met as yet. One sometime wonder why some times we makes friend easily and some time not. As we all know too well as human, our physical body contain energy, I believe this energy like any energy could travel in space, so my theory is that this energy of ours some how travel with our info to the other person and if they click, then a communication is established, thus we would communicate with what ever means we have, the internet, cel phone etc.. In today's world of course one had to be caution, like.. can we trust someone or the question like.. would the person like me or not? and on and on and among the many 'trust' is the core of the issue in making friendship, but like I said before, it is the body chemistry that would finally make the ultimate decision....after all we are human and trying to be human is the only common factor that we human have....Another one of my belief is that we all have a guardian angles taking care of us, watch upon us all the time and in time of need, help us. I firmly believe in this, because many, many time, Help came all of a sudden when I need most, it is not easy to explain but I am sure that some One Up there is watching and helping me. Of course your thoughts must be sincere all the time and with a positive attitude, for attitude is one of the factor that contributes to the end result. All of what I say would come to nothing if we are naive or pure stupid, so here come knowledge again, we can only make good decision only if we have accumulated enough knowledge, so for one to succeed in whatever action one must be smart, I believe only people with knowledge and wisdom would be able to make the right decision at the right time, this my friends includes making friends as well.....You have the right to be caution for the real world is full of challenges, it would not be fun if there are no challenges at all, it would be a really dull place to as the saying goes " nothing venture nothing gain ".... go on into the real world, which now includes cyberspace and venture, for the world is the stage and we are the actors....and my greeting is as always.. 'take care'...

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