Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Today have being a real hectic day, just before ten in the morning, went to the bank to pay a bill, the usual bill. Talking about bill, it looks like the number of bill have began to grow in number, before it was just the utilities bills such as electricity, and water, but now the basic bills that Malaysian get nowadays would be at least six, the electricity, water, telephone [fixed line] the cel phone [two to three], the cable or satellite TV, the internet, the credit cards and on and on, well it look receiving bills and paying bills have became a culture of the society. Before one finished paying all the previous month's bills, the next month's is already in the letter box, and it does not seem to end. I guessed modern men just could not live without bills, it is their way of life and I believe live would not be interesting if the bills stop coming. We all know that we have to spend to keep the wheel of the economy running, so spending is part of the game call the economy. Money is the mean to keep this system of us running and keep us all alive and happy or the other way around. Some one once said that " what is money if you do not spend it" and then again "what is money if you do not have it". In the scheme of things, now a days, money play an important part in our society, it can ruin the society or it can make the society prosperous and with that came happiness. Well it look like money rule, I believe so....Well after paying the bill, only one of the many, back home there were plenty of handy work to do, so here I goes again, trying to fix the electric lamp the had stop working, probably the fuse in the plug had to be replaced, a new curtain rod had to be fixed and other little things that had to be look at, other wise it would stop functioning. I guessed it take lots of work in and around the house to keep it running, so an in house handy man soon became a necessity and for me the doing of the handy man's work have became a hobby of a sort. I enjoy toying with thing that need fixing and eventually I do really fix it and enjoy the pleasure of getting the job done....

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